Final Reporting
Grant Reporting
Final Report
Unless otherwise stated in the award letter, all grant recipients must turn in a final report. We are happy to accept final reports that have been prepared for other funding organizations or agencies so long as the report covers the WYCF grant period, the narrative is an appropriate description of the scope of work for which you used the WYCF grant funding, and the financials meet the requirements listed in the instructions.
Submit your final report for General Operating and Project Grants here.
Announcement of Grant
WYCF asks that grantees share news of their grant award on social media. Any org receiving funds of over $10,000 is also asked to share news of their award via a press release. You can access our press release template here.
Submission Due Date
Your final report is due within one year from the date your organization receives its award letter and should be submitted here. Please note that in order to be eligible to reapply for funds through WYCF, previous grants must be closed out, which may mean submitting a final report in less than 12 months.
Report Format
Your final report must contain the primary components listed in the instructions i.e. a narrative and financial report. All final reports should be typed, clearly labeled and include necessary attachments to show evidence of expenditures.
General Operating and Projects Grants Reporting
Please use the following format when completing your final report. All final reports should be typed, clearly labeled and include a financial report.
Grantee Information
- Submission: Final reports should be submitted using the online portal here.
- Organization: the name of your organization or if not a 501(c)(3), the name of the fiscal sponsor your group used to submit your proposal.
- Project title: Name of the project as indicated on your application.
- Grant number: Found on the first page of your award letter, this is an 8 digit number (example: 20160555) assigned to you by WYCF.
- Grant amount: Dollar amount issued to your agency.
- Grant period: Begins according to the date on your organization’s award letter. End of grant period is award letter date plus one year.
- Report due: This date corresponds to the end of the grant period. If you received an extension please indicate the extended due date.
- Report completed by: Name of individual completing report.
- Telephone or email: Contact information for individual completing report.
You will be asked to provide detailed answers to the following questions:
- What is the purpose of your project? What is the problem or community issue that your request for financial assistance is seeking to address? If this is a general operating request, what is your organizations “why”? Why was your organization created?
- Please describe your project after completion. Was your project executed in the manner described? Did you have any issues or mid-course corrections? Etc.
- How will you know if you project is successful? What change did you hope to see if your program is successful? What metrics did you use to measure your success or gauge change? Be specific. Site expected service numbers, quantities of meals served, etc. If this change is not visible in the community, why?
- See your original responses above. Were you able to accomplish the goals listed? If yes, why and how? If no, why and what lessons were learned?
- If there are some target organizations that you hope to contact for programmatic collaboration or financial collaboration, please list them and explain “why” this collaboration would be beneficial.
- Tell us about any new partnerships your organization entered into during the grant period, whether or not they were being considered at the time your application was submitted. Was the subject of this request impacted by these new partnerships, and if so how?
Financial Report
Include the attachments listed below.
- Fiscal Year Income statement during the time the grant was received (No tailored or redacted statements)
- Summary statement listing all expenditures paid with grant proceeds
- Copies of all invoices paid with grant proceeds.
- Original organizational budget as submitted with the grant.
- Any budget amendments approved through the year.
- Budgeted to actual income statement for the period ending with the grant funds being totally expended.
- Please include an explanation if grant funds were applied to any specific line items.
Please include a reimbursement check with the final report for the balance of any unexpended funds from the grant. Checks should be made out to the Wyoming Community Foundation.
*We will generally need your end-of-year income and expense statement; we will need invoices if you have received a project grant.

Mission: Creating an enduring natural legacy for future generations through stewardship of Wyoming’s wildlife.
Wyoming Wildlife Foundation
1472 N. 5th Street, Suite 201
Laramie, WY 82072
Phone: 307-721-8300
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